Lake View Mayor Sterling (Bull) Lee was the program speaker at the June 8th Dillon VFW Post 6091 stated meeting, and he was introduced by Post Program Chairman Chris Norris. Mayor Lee talked about ongoing quality-of-life improvements for Lake View residents at its parks and other recreation areas. He also mentioned that the new Veterans Park has had music added for military service songs to play for the enjoyment of persons visiting the Veterans Park. Mayor Lee said that the Lake View community greatly values Veterans and is thankful for their military service and added that the freedoms we have today are a direct result of the courage and bravery of our Veterans.
The VFW members were celebrating the Army birthday (June 14th) and Maylor Lee joined in the singing of the Army service song and subsequent Army birthday cake cutting. Special recognition was given to Post member Daniel Carmichael deploying to the Republic of Djibouti, located in the Horn of Africa, with the Charleston Army National Guard, 218th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, for a year. He expects to be in-country by July. Pictured are the Army VFW members of Dillon Post 6091 (L-R) Jamie M. Hamilton, Jim Chavis, Daniel Carmichael, Eugene Harrison, Program Speaker Mayor Lee, Harry Moore, Dan McLellan, Pam Moore, Timmy Hooks, Robert Sealey, Stephanie Maza, Florence VFW Commander Daniel Parks, Jody Stubbs, VA specialist Karen Taylor, and Jerry Alford.

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