By Sarah Stubbs
John Bryant and Robert Bryant were ordained as deacons by First Baptist Church Dillon Sunday, September 18, 2022 at the Sunday morning worship services.
Senior Pastor Jamie Arnette delivered the sermon, “Hands On Ministry.”
At the end of the sermon, Ricky Williams, 2022-2023 Chairman of the Deacons read scripture. John and Robert then gave their personal testimonies. Pastor Arnette led a congregational responsive reading.
Following the reading, ordained deacons and ministers participated in the Laying on of Hands in recognition of God’s call and to commission them to service. Thomas Jordan, Vice-Chairman of the Deacons, dismissed the congregation in prayer.
The following men have been elected to serve as Deacons for the 2022-2023 church year: John Bracey (Secretary), John Bryant, Robert Bryant, Chris Dove, Timothy Fitzgibbon, Mike Hayes, Adam Jacobs, Hunter Jordan, Matt Jordan, Thomas Jordan (Vice-Chairman), Alex Lewis, Danny Moody, Michael Rogers, and Ricky Williams (Chairman).