The Dillon Herald’s summer food drive for Help For Veterans, Inc. was a huge success thanks to the public and two of our major partners, Hamer Church of God and Community Excellence.
Advance America was also a partner in this drive.
The public was outstanding in bringing out hundreds of canned goods to be given to Dillon County’s less fortunate veterans. Some churches, businesses, clubs, and others took this on as a project and delivered numerous items. We thank each and every person who donated.
Hamer Church of God and Community Excellence were outstanding partners. Hamer Church of God brought their refrigerated truck and numerous cold and frozen items which were given out to less fortunate veterans on two occasions.
Community Excellence, led by Toni Graves, raised $540 and brought more than 50 food items.
Help For Veterans members sorted, bagged, and delivered food and two pick-up events were held where veterans picked up their bags of food.
Between all of the events, nearly 100 families were helped as a result of the efforts of the public and our outstanding partners. Another drive will be held in the fall to help veterans around the holidays.
Also in October, Help For Veterans will be holding a free health fair for all Dillon County veterans and their families. Anyone interested in being a vendor or who wishes to offer services at this event, should contact Johnnie Daniels at 843-230-4653.

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