By Dr. James Orr
Empowerment in Action Association recently held a service at Maple Park.
Empowerment in Action consist of local pastors and law enforcement officials who are working to curb violence and crime in Dillon County. Their mission statement says, “The existence of the association is to function as a caring intervention from crime. The purpose is to empower men and women with the Godly/Spiritual/Prayerful influence to discourage the operation of violence, destruction of lives, and high crime in our community.”
The Maple Park meeting was the second in two months with the first held at Newtown Park. Over one hundred local residents came out to hear the message of hope.
Pastors interacted with young men playing basketball and gave them each a New Testament Bible.
Speakers included Sgt. Melvin Lee and Training Officer Ricky Day of the Dillon City Police Department; Dillon County Coroner Donnie Grimsley; Sheriff Douglas Pernell and Chief Deputy Jamie Hamilton; State Senator Jackie Hayes; together with Elder Milton Keyes, Deacon Bill King, Pastor and EIAA President Tommy Lee Pittman, Elder Russell Nelson, and Bishop H B Drake.
Pastor John Graves gave a stirring message and invitation. Dillon County Sherriff’s Office Community Coordinator and Pastor James Orr were on hand to assist.
The next meeting is planned for July at Harmon Park on 8th Ave., Dillon. The date will be announced.

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