The Latta Rotary Club has had a busy spring centered on four major projects benefiting both local and international causes.
Fulfilling one of Rotary’s Avenues of Service, Community Service (which covers projects and activities undertaken to improve life in our community) we have concentrated on Literacy. In March we distributed Dictionaries to 107 3rd graders, Atlas to 106 5th graders and 118 Thesaurus to 7th graders. In conjunction with the Dictionary Project based in Charleston, S.C., we have participated in this annual event since the year 2000, putting more than 5,600 books into the hands of Latta school students. It was great for the Rotarians to be able to be back in the schools this year. During the pandemic, several of the club members, who are school administrators, were able to distribute the books.
In early April the club held a fundraiser that targeted International Service to take action to promote world understanding and peace. The Rotary International Foundation established a fund that local clubs could contribute to, for Ukrainian humanitarian relief. A steak dinner prepared by Rocky Brunson was held at the Latta Elementary and club members were responsible for selling tickets. Several individuals also made contributions totaling $460. Special thanks go to the Latta Elementary School food service staff for all their help. A total of $20,588.18 was sent to Rotary International for the relief effort.
The annual Happy Feet event was also held in April with 58 children from Latta Elementary pre-k-4 grades making an outing to Shoe Show in Dillon. They were given the opportunity to shop for shoes and socks and definitely took advantage of the Buy One Get One promotion. This project is funded by the Club’s fundraising efforts and a matching grant from our District 7770. The Latta School Foundation also participated in the event with a total of $5,527.34 this year.
Finally in May, 3 graduating seniors were each awarded college scholarships. This year’s recipients were: Rotary Scholarship: Savad McGirt and Luisa De La Cruz. BF Carmichael Scholarship: Dalayzia McEachern.
We want to thank everyone in the community who supports our efforts to put the Rotary International motto, “Service above Self:, to work for Latta.
Our club meets Tuesday at noon for lunch in the historic Rotary building at the corner of Main and Marion streets. If you are interested in joining the Latta Rotary Club and having the opportunity to be involved in these worthwhile projects helping our community, please contact our Membership Chairman, Corky Lane at 843-992-6004 or

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