January 20, 2022
Council Chambers
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2022
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Place: Council Chambers, Lake View Town Hall, 205 N. Main Street, Lake View, SC
Presiding: Dennis Townsend, Mayor
Present: Councilmembers Mertis Barnett, Mitsey Church, David Johnson and David Kitchens
Also Present: Chad Muldrum, Ryan Bland, Tony Cooke, Shirbey Johnson, Cathey Jenkins, Pastor Kenneth McGill and Karen Cook-Henderson
• Mayor Dennis Townsend welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with prayer.
• Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to approve the minutes from the December 16, 2021 meeting with Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconding. All were in favor. Councilmember David Johnson motioned to approve the minutes from the December 29, 2021 meeting with Councilmember Mitsey Church seconding. All were in favor.
• Mr. Tony Cooke updated the Council on the work of the Beautification Committee. Council will approve the budget for projects during the current fiscal year as the projects are presented to Council with the Beautification Committee submitting a request for an annual budget for the 2023 fiscal year. Mr. Cooke shared that the first project the Beautification Committee will be working on is cleaning the Welcome Signs. He presented an estimate of $600 – $900 to clean the bricks. Council asked the Beautification Committee to obtain three estimates for pressure washing the Welcome Signs and present them to Council for approval. Mayor Dennis Townsend advised the Beautification Committee he is still working to connect with Mr. Gleason to ask to have students volunteer with the Beautification Committee. Council extended their appreciation to the volunteers of the Beautification Committee for their work.
• The Council received the Planning Commission’s recommendation to rezone the parcel of Tax Map #111-03-17-005 and the parcel of Tax Map #111-03-17-006 to General Commercial submitted by Chairperson Lawrence Suggs. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 27, 2021. Mayor Dennis Townsend made the motion to amend the agenda to include the First Reading of Ordinance 2022-02 to amend the official zoning map of the Town of Lake View to reflect the rezoning of the parcels at Tax Map #111-03-17-005 and Tax Map #111-03-17-006 from Office Commercial to General Commercial. Councilmember David Johnson made the second and all were in favor.
• Mayor Dennis Townsend offered Ordinance 2022-02 for the first reading and asked Mr. Chad Meldrum and Mr. Ryan Bland from Wyatt Development, LLC for comment. Councilmember David Johnson motioned to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2022-02 with Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconding. All were in favor.
• Mayor Dennis Townsend presented the nominations recommended by Council to serve on the Town of Lake View Board of Zoning Adjustment. Mr. David Suggs, Mr. George Hatcher and Mr. Jerry Douglas Church were appointed with the majority of votes.
• Mayor Dennis Townsend presented the recommendations of residents to serve on the Strategic Master Plan Advisory Committee. Any recommendations of the Advisory Committee would require the approval of the Council before enactment. Council will define the process and guidelines for a procedure before approving any appointments.
• Councilmember Mertis Barnett made the motion to approve the Agreement with Dillon County for Municipal Judge’s Services from January 2022 through January 2024. Councilmember David Kitchens seconded and all were in favor.
• Mayor Dennis Townsend asked Karen Cook-Henderson to update Council on the Veteran’s Park Brick Sale results. It was reported that 146 bricks were sold during the first sale with delivery expected in late January or February.
• Mayor Dennis Townsend advised Council that Mr. Eddie Ford and Mr. Jahue Cummings resigned their positions with the Lake View Planning Commission. Their service was acknowledged and appreciated. Councilmembers were asked to provide recommendations for replacements at the February meeting.
• Council received information in writing from Mrs. Wanda Elvington about electropollution. Therefore, at the request of Councilmember David Kitchens and with the agreement of Council, Mr. Peterson, Town Attorney, will be asked to provide a legal opinion on drafting an ordinance requiring approval by Council before the installation of any tower.
• Councilmember David Kitchens asked that Mr. Peterson, Town Attorney, be asked to provide a legal opinion on drafting an ordinance that prohibits open carry of a weapon; on municipal property at municipal events, including Christmas on the Boulevard, at recreation activities, and at public parks. All were in favor.
• Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to amend the Community Center rental rules to allow Lake View High School, Lake View Middle School and Lake View Elementary School to use the Community Center one time in a calendar year at no cost. Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconded and all were in favor.
• Councilmember Mertis Barnett motioned to approve the adoption of Ordinance 2022-01 An Emergency Ordinance providing emergency procedures for public meetings of the Town of Lake View during the continuance of the Coronavirus epidemic, declaring a state of emergency in the Town of Lake View, providing emergency procedures for meetings, and temporarily suspending certain procurement rules during the continuance of such emergency. Councilmember David Kitchens seconded and all were in favor.
• Mayor Dennis Townsend offered appreciation and thanks to Councilmembers David Johnson and David Kitchens for the work on the Community Center floor. It was noted that they did excellent work refurbishing the floor.
• Councilmember David Johnson made the motion for the Mayor and Council to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel matter and for the discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements. Councilmember Metis Barnett offered the second and all were in favor. At the conclusion of the session, Councilmember Mitsey Church made the motion to leave Executive Session and Mertis Barnett seconded. All were in favor. The motion made by Councilmember Mitsey Church to hire Brown’s Construction to replace the roof on the Clubhouse at Page’s Mill Pond was approved with all in favor.
Mayor’s Report
• The SCDOT will clean the ditch in the area of Scott Street and Bascus Street to address the drainage.
Council Concerns
• Councilmember David Johnson asked for an update on the former First Citizen bank property. He was advised that required renovations of the space to allow for the security of the ATM are in process.
• Councilmember Mertis Barnett advised the Council that the Events Committee approved Paula Hayes King as the new Chairperson. The Valentine’s Ball is postponed out of an abundance of caution because of the increasing number of COVID cases. Council asked that the Events Committee be advised that the Council would like to see inclusive and engage the community.
• Councilmember Metis Barnett announced the inaugural Black Business Expo, hosted by Eula Page and herself, in honor of Black History Month, will be Saturday, February 19, 2022. Businesses will display and provide samples of their products and services.
With no further business, Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to adjourn with Councilmember David Johnson seconding. There was no discussion, and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.
February 17, 2022
Council Chambers
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2022
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Place: Council Chambers, Lake View Town Hall, 205 N. Main Street, Lake View, SC
Presiding: Dennis Townsend, Mayor
Present at Chambers: Councilmembers Mertis Barnett, Mitsey Church, and David Kitchens
Present via Zoom: Councilmember David Johnson
Also Present: Steve Page, Pastor Kenneth McGill and Karen Cook-Henderson
• Mayor Dennis Townsend welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with prayer.
• Councilmember Mitsey Church made the motion to approve the minutes from the January 20, 2022 meeting with Councilmember David Kitchens making the second. All were in favor.
• Mayor Dennis Townsend advised the Council that Mr. Eddie Ford and Mr. Jahue Cummings resigned from the Planning Commission. Their service to the community was noted and appreciated. Mayor Townsend received nominations from the Council of Mr. John Page, Mr. Tony Hayes and Mr. George Hatcher to serve on the Planning Commission. The nominees will be consulted to confirm interest and a vote approving the nominations held in March.
• Mayor Dennis Townsend shared that Mr. Peterson, Town Attorney, advises the Town of Lake View to address concerns about installing 5G through the next revision of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Blake Sanders will be asked to provide an estimate to complete the work.
• Mayor Townsend advised The Town of Lake View sold the Heritage Building to Mr. John Bryant for $25,000.00. Mr. Bryant is working to clean up the property.
• Townsend presented guidelines for the Strategic Master Plan Advisory Committee and asked for a motion to appoint nine members to serve on the Committee. Councilmember Mertis Barnett made the motion to appoint Arba Bryant, Robert Bryant, Julie Hatcher, Hal Johnson, Kenneth McGill, Carolyn Page, Christian “Pig” Scott, and Jessie Spivey to serve on the Strategic Master Plan Advisory Committee. Councilmember David Kitchens seconded and all were in favor. Karen Cook-Henderson will coordinate an initial meeting for the Committee with the Council.
• Council approved pending changes a new letterhead design that features the new tagline, “Deeply Rooted. Rising Together.”
• At the request of Mayor Townsend, Karen Cook-Henderson presented the idea from the Events Committee to have a community potluck dinner for Saturday, May 07, 2022. Suggestions for the event will be given to the committee to change the location and name. Churches will be asked to provide the sides, salads and desserts for the potluck, while the Town will provide the BBQ.
• Mayor Townsend made the motion to approve Ordinance 2022-02 – Amend the Zoning Map by rezoning Tax Map #111-03-17-005 and 111-03-17-006 from Office Commercial to General Commercial for second reading and all were in favor.
• Mayor Townsend advised the Council that Ordinance 2022-03 to enact open carry restrictions at certain organized events in accordance with Open Carry with Training Act is not ready for first reading and will be moved to the March agenda.
Mayor’s Report
• The Lake View Rescue Squad requests repairs to some items, including the awning and bathroom. Estimates will be obtained and brought to the Council for consideration.
• Charlie Barrineau, Field Service Manager from the Municipal Association of SC, will meet with staff and interested members of the Council on March 2, 2022, to receive guidance regarding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
• Dougie Church completed the annual facility inspections. Inspections help us to meet a standard from the insurance company and the Town will address issues as we are able. Mr. Church’s time on this project is appreciated.
• SCDOT cleared a drain on Scott Street after multiple visits to assess the area, evaluate the problem and trace the drainage pattern. Mayor Townsend appreciates the job done well and expresses his thanks for the work of the SC DOT.
Council Concerns
• Councilmember David Kitchens advised the Council that the sinkholes at E. 4th Ave and S. Ford Street are expanding. Mayor Townsend will ask the SC DOT to evaluate.
• Councilmember Mertis Barnett shared the Black Business Expo is Saturday, 2/19/2022, at the Lake View Community Center. This event highlights black businesses in the area to celebrate Black History Month.
• Councilmember David Johnson suggested everyone check out the light installed over the spillway at Page’s Mill Pond by the maintenance crew.
• Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion for the Mayor and Council to enter Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. Councilmember Mertis Barnett offered the second and all were in favor. At the conclusion of each session, Councilmember David Johnson motioned to leave Executive Session and David Kitchens seconded. All were in favor. No action was taken in Executive Session.
With no further business, Councilmember David Johnson made the motion to adjourn with Councilmember David Kitchens seconding. There was no discussion, and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.