DCCMA Minutes
6:30 p.m.
February 17, 2022
Submitted by James Orr,
Asbury Hall, Main Street United Methodist Church, Dillon, SC
In attendance: Henry Altman, Raymond Davis, Ron Taylor, Moses Heyward, James Orr,
Ron Taylor opened in prayer.
James Orr gave the financial report. $1032.38 is in the bank at this time.
Ron Taylor, Henry Altman, and Raymond Davis each paid $60.00 due for the new year.
Dues of $60 for senior ministers and $30 for other ministers are due the first of each year.
You can send your dues or donations to :
2842 Railview Road
Fork, SC 29543
Officers or the new year:
President – Henry Altman
Vice-president – Raymond Davis
Secretary/Treasurer – James Orr
The two annual events sponsored by the DCCMA are the National Day of Prayer and The Community Thanksgiving Service.
The dates have been set for both. Please mark your calendars.
National Day of Prayer – May 5th, Noon, Dillon County Courthouse
The Community Thanksgiving Service – Sunday, November 20, 6 p.m, place to be determined.
Pastor Raymond Davis and Great Expectations Church of Dillon are hosting a leadership conference Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday morning. It is the R3 conference – Reimagine>Realign>Reignite. Look for more information coming soon.
A group from the Pee Dee Baptist Association will be part of a larger team working in Honduras, February 19-26. Pastor Rob Pierce of Latta Baptist Church is a part of that team. Please pray for them.
Prayer need – the has been an ongoing movement against Scripture, even in the church; those that serve our community; pray for unity in our community; our fellow ministers; our sister churches.
Next meeting will be Thursday, March 24, noon at B&C Steakhouse in Dillon.
Each man present closed in prayer.