The Dillon County Christian Ministerial Alliance will meet January 26 via Zoom at 7:00 p.m.
Here is the agenda:
Agenda: January 26, 2021
Zoom meeting, Tuesday, January 26, 7 p.m.
* Call to order
* Prayer
* Approval of minutes
* Financial report
* Old Business -Continued discussion of police/ community relationships
* New Business-
-Dues of $25 due, encourage new membership
-$200 request for the St. Matthew’s Foundation
-Glenda Schleich, Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
-The Pregnancy Center of Dillon
-What will we be working on this year? ( National Day of Prayer, Thanksgiving, etc)
* Prayer request
* Next meeting
* Closing prayer

Pee Dee Coalition
Domestic Violence and Faith
Today I am speaking to you as an Advocate, a concerned member of the community, a mother and a grandmother. Although I am not a survivor, in my professional career I have had the privilege of receiving education in substance abuse, child abuse, Law Enforcement Advocacy, Sexual Assault, and todays topic of Domestic Violence. I am going to speak today about the importance of faith, and how it can help victims heal after abuse.
For many, the journey from victim to survivor includes three parts: Advocacy, law, and faith.
Faith can be an important part of a survivor’s journey, but in some cases it can also complicatethe path to healing. Some survivors may be faced with abusers who manipulate religious beliefs and religious teachings, or faith leaders who lack knowledge to provide counsel. This has the potential tocreate additional barriers to escaping the abuse, and it can even create barriers between a victim and their faith.
In many cases, and for many years, religion and faith have cultivated a negative rapport with victims of abuse. The discouraging of divorce, the idea that a wife should obey her husband, and the ill-judgement of same-sex relationships are examples of how religion can create barriers to a victim’s healing process. At Pee Dee Coalition, we encourage pastors and religious leaders to remember that by helping victims find safety and heal, they help them grow closer to their faith.
The National Resource Center On Domestic Violence conducted a studythat suggested spiritual or religious beliefs are sources of comfort for a majority of survivors. The study also showed that nearly half of survivors sought religious or spiritual counseling after experiencing abuse. Many survivors found healing and the strengththrough their religious practices and involvement with the faith community.
The research from this study indicates that religious involvement can promote greater psychological well-being and can increase a survivor’s sense of support. It is crucial that the faith leaders continue taking steps to understand the dynamics of domestic violence and how to support survivors.
Faith communities have the power and responsibility to ensure that faith is not manipulated by abusers, but rather is a source of empowerment and community for victims and survivors. Faith leaders and others in the community can show their support by fostering healthy,non-judgmental environments where they feel comfortable having difficult conversations.
Safe Haven is an Inter-faith partnership program against domestic violence. It developed a Religious CommunityResponse Wheel, which is meant to be a guide for what religious leaders should consider when working with victims and survivors of abuse. Categories on the wheel include Develop Protocols, Create a safe haven, teach through Life cycle events, Educate your community, Work as a team, Get training, Use your prophet Voice, and Support your children.
Developing Protocols is to have an action plan in place. Prioritize the safety for victim and enforce accountability of the abuser. Be ready to make referrals to agencies that can help provide safety.
Create a safe haven. Inform your congregation of the safety within and let your community know of your support. Ensure your congregation has access to resources.
Teach through Life Cycle Events. Observe the family dynamics and be aware that sudden changes may escalate abusive behavior. Talk with your congregation and fellow worshipers about these dynamics; what is healthy and what isn’t.
Educate your community. Be proactive. Post materials, posters with referral contacts, provide community education on topics like domestic violence and child abuse. By educating others you educate yourself.
Work as a team. Clearly define your role. Build relationships with professionals such as advocates, law enforcement and medical staff. Encourage your church staff and leaders to foster these same relationships. Make sure your congregation knows there are multiple people within the church they can speak to about abuse.
Use your prophet voice. Give sermons on domestic violence to increase awareness, include domestic violence in prayer services. Establish yourself as someone victims know they can come to for help in cases of abuse.
Support your children. Train all teachers, youth leaders and child care givers on recognizing abuse and whom to approach with concerns. Be sure children are aware of inappropriate behavior and that they know who they can totalk to if something happens.
Our organization also encourages awareness on bullying and teen dating.
Our organization believes that the reduction of family violence is a community issue and concerns the total community-not only women-not only service provides-but all who value the basic human desire to be free from physical threat and harm.

September 17, 2020 DCCMA Agenda
12 noon
East Dillon Baptist Church, Dillon SC
Present: Henry Altman, James Smith, Steven Tyler, Anthony Alford, James Orr, Jamie Arnette
Call to order:​​​​​​ Henry Altman
Prayer: ​​​​​​​James Smith
Financial report​​​​​​: James Orr
Community Thanksgiving service​​​: Henry Altman
​Rev. Anthony Alford, Shiloh/ Beulah UMC will be the host pastor this year. The service will be at 6 p.m. possibly at the Goody’s parking lot of Dillon Church of God parking lot on Radford Blvd., Dillon. James Smith and James Orr will check on availability.
​(After checking the holding company required an insurance policy for the Goody’s location. The Dillon Church of God generously donated their location. The time was moved to 5 p.m.)
Open discussion was moved to police and community relations.
​How can ministers and the Alliance become a bridge between police and the local communities they serve? What forums of future discussion can arise out of this?
Dismissal in prayer​​​

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