LAKE VIEW—The Town of Lake View started running its own trash service in May and is excited about getting back into the trash business.

Under the leadership of the Lake View Town Council members Mertis Barnett, David Johnson, David Kitchens, Tony Hayes and Mayor Matthew Elvington, the inaugural run of the program took place on Monday, May 4, 2020.
The Lake View Town Council worked on this project for many months and determined that starting a town run program was the best way to have good customer service and value for the Town of Lake View. The program also made it possible to create a new full-time position.

Household trash will be picked up weekly. Residents were issued their new Lake View polycart that has two of Lake View’s most iconic images – a Lake View Wild Gator and the Mill Pond.
Residents are reminded that service is strictly for household generated trash. Bulky items like furniture, appliances and construction materials will not be removed. Historically, municipal trash services were started to resolve issues of sanitation and improve urban life.
Even in our rural communities, trash services add to the quality of life we all enjoy. Municipal trash services offer residents a convenient method of disposal that, when done correctly, prevent trash from becoming litter and protects wildlife and domestic pets from harm. Loose trash and litter is unattractive and a health hazard.
Residents can be part of the solution and help keep Lake View clean by remembering to put household waste in bags that are securely tied, place bags inside the polycart (not on top or along the sides) and keep the lid to their cart closed.
Another feature of the Lake View trash service is it will remove organic yard debris resulting from normal yard maintenance done by the resident. This service will be completed monthly and will prevent the build-up of unsightly and decaying piles of leaves, lawn clippings and small brush along the roadways. Carelessly piled yard debris is easily blown about by the wind and can be a hazard for motorists and piles of leaves and grass clippings placed in ditches lead to flooding.
Chief Jason E. Turner is also reminding everyone that while speed limit in the Town of Lake View is 25 MPH, when they see the trash truck out and on the road, drivers need to slow down more and give the workers room. Safety is the number one concern, and traffic laws will be enforced.
Trash removal is one of those things that when done well, it goes unnoticed but when it isn’t right, everyone pays the price.
The Town of Lake View is committed to partnering with our residents and businesses to make this new program a success. Keeping Lake View clean shows our Wild Gator pride.

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