June 18, 2020
Council Chambers
Date: Thursday,
June 18, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Lake View Council Chamber and Zoom
Presiding at Chambers: Matthew Elvington, Mayor
Present at Chambers: Councilmember David Kitchens
Present via Zoom: Councilmembers Mertis Barnett and David Johnson
Also Present at Chambers: Karen Cook-Henderson
1. Mayor Matthew Elvington called the Public Hearing to order at 7:04 p.m. There were no residents or visitors present. The meeting was opened with prayer led by Mayor Elvington.
2. At 7:20 p.m., Councilmember David Johnson made a motion to approve the 2020-2021 budget as presented. Councilmember David Kitchens seconded the motion and all were in favor.
3.With no further business, the Public Hearing concluded and the meeting adjourned.
June 18, 2020
Council Chambers
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Lake View Council Chamber and Zoom*
* Out of concern for the health and wellbeing of the Lake View Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Council Meeting was available through video and telephone conferencing using Zoom.
Presiding at Chambers: Matthew Elvington, Mayor
Present at Chambers: Councilmember David Kitchens
Present via Zoom: Councilmembers Mertis Barnett and David Johnson
Also Present at Chambers: Karen Cook-Henderson and Chief Jason E. Turner
Absent: Councilmember Tony Hayes
1. Mayor Matthew Elvington welcomed everyone to the meeting and opened with prayer.
2. Councilmember David Kitchens made a motion to accept the minutes from the May 21, 2020 Meeting and Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconded. All were in favor and voted by roll call. Councilmember David Johnson made a motion to accept the minutes from the May 28, 2020 Meeting and Councilmember Mertis Barnett seconded. All were in favor and voted by roll call.
3. Chief Jason E. Turner addressed Council to report that the “No Longer Silenced” demonstration on 6/13/2020 went well with positive feedback from community members. Currently, the LVPD is the process to hire a full-time officer and two part-time officers. The expansion of the department to include part-time officers will provide greater coverage options and will keep overtime costs in line with the budget. Councilmember David Kitchen asked Chief Turner to continue to visit businesses and be available to help the businesses close. Chief Turner advised Council an additional car will be needed to accommodate the expansion of the police force. He will work with Kenny King to inventory unused equipment for auction to defray the expense.
4. Mayor Elvington completed the second reading of Ordinance 2020-02 Amendment of Town of Lake View Ordinances – Title V; Chapter 51: Refuse Collection – AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TOWN CODE TITLE V, CHAPTER 50 TO CLARIFY THE REQUIREMENT THAT EVERY OWNER OF PRIVATE PROPERTY SHALL RECEIVE GARBAGE COLLECTION THROUGH THE TOWN OR ITS AUTHORIZED CONTRACTOR.
Councilmember Mertis Barnett made a motion to approve the ordinance and Councilmember David Kitchens seconded. All were in favor and voted by roll call. The ordinance takes effect immediately.
5. Mayor Matthew Elvington reviewed the current statistics impacting Lake View with COVID-19. The Town of Lake View Town Hall will reopen 6/22/2020 while adhering to social distancing recommendations and providing masks.
6. The site work on the Splash Pad continues. An application for the well is in process with SC DHEC.
7. Mayor Elvington asked Karen Cook-Henderson to update Council on Nuisance Properties. There several property owners that were contacted in May asking them to remedy the concerns which met with some success. Currently, out of concern for health and safety, property owners are not being required to appear before Council.
8. The Dillon County Solid Waste Contract and Commercial Lease Contract with Dillon County for the Lake View Fire Department were approved by the Dillon County Council.
9. Councilmember David Johnson met with Steven Marshall from Duke Energy to examine the street lights between the 200 and 400 blocks of S. Main Street Three additional street lights will be installed.
10. Mayor Matthew Elvington shared with Council the Town of Lake View was awarded a grant from FEMA for the installation of a generator. The grant has a 25% match. Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to pursue the grant and Councilmember David Johnson seconded and all were in favor.
11. Mayor Matthew Elvington presented to Council a request from the 1890 Research and Extension at SC State to use the outside area of the Community Center for a food distribution in July. Council had no objections.
12. Mayor Elvington presented a recommendation from the Town Attorney to amend the Special Event application to say that liability insurance is recommended. All were in favor of the change.
13. Mayor Matthew Elvington presented an opportunity being offered by the SCDOT to assist with clearing the two main drains that run through town. The SCDOT will partner with the Town of Lake View to clear the drain and the Town of Lake View will remove the debris. Impacted property owners will provide signed permission that includes an agreement that this is a one-time courtesy and that they understand the ditch on their property is their responsibility to maintain. If tiles are found to be broken, the property owner will be responsible for replacing.
14. Mayor’s Report
a. The drainage at 4th and Ford comes from the pond and runs under the road so cleaning it out is not possible because it is inaccessible.
b. A contractor looked at the Town Hall and is making recommendations for renovation.
c. Fiscal Audit – we received the rough draft of the 2018-2019 financial audit. A final draft will be presented at the 7/16/2020 Council Meeting.
d. Department of Natural Resources is sending information for a possible grant for Council to consider.
e.A request for an easement from SCDOT is being requested to create a driveway near the splash pad at the Heritage Park.
15. Council Concerns
a. Councilmember David Johnson asked for a property to be added the nuisance property list.
With no further business, Councilmember David Kitchens made the motion to adjourn with Councilmember David Johnson seconding. There was no discussion and all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.