Recently someone posted on Facebook® that our General Manager and Advertising Director Johnnie Daniels was leaving The Dillon Herald and going for a new job at the newspaper in Darlington.
This started a swirl of rumors that The Herald has dealt with repeatedly for about the past month so we now find it is time to clear the air.
Let us clear this up now. The rumors are not true. Johnnie Daniels is not leaving The Dillon Herald and is still and will continue to be the General Manager and Advertising Director at The Dillon Herald. He has assumed some additional duties with the News and Press in Darlington, which is also a part of The Herald Group, but his primary focus is Dillon County and will continue to be Dillon County and The Dillon Herald.
If you currently advertise in The Dillon Herald, The Dillon County Shopper,, or on one of our social media pages, Johnnie will still be the one who you will deal with for your advertising needs.
If you do not advertise in The Dillon Herald or one of our other publications, then there is no better time to start than now. Johnnie has the talent and expertise to help you develop an advertising package for your business that will help you reach new and existing customers on all platforms.
Johnnie looks forward to continuing his relationship with his customers in Dillon and establishing relationships with new customers. There is no one in this county with more knowledge on how to advertise and promote your business in print and web media than Johnnie Daniels, and he looks forward to helping you grow your business.
The Herald appreciates the concern that has been received regarding this rumor; however, we can assure you that Johnnie is still working and living in Dillon, and he is not going anywhere thank goodness for us and his advertisers.
Don’t believe everything you read on social media. Sometimes what is posted is just not true or only contains a shred of truth even when it may seem true or well-meaning.

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