By Sen. Kent Williams
The decision has been made for our public school buildings to
remain closed for the rest of this academic school year. While I know this was a difficult decision to make, I absolutely feel that this was the right one.
There was no way that our children could safely practice social distancing on school buses and in classrooms. While children typically don’t suffer from coronavirus, they can unknowingly spread this virus to loved ones.
I know this is not the best news for students who want to go back to class, see their friends and most importantly get back to their normal routine. However, we have made it through this so far, and we will continue to do so.
Please remember that although the school buildings remain closed learning has not stopped. Schools staff, teachers, students, and parents are working harder so that our children can continue to learn. Students are still required to show up and work daily, they are taking attendance, work is being graded, and schoolwork is expected to be completed.
I think as adults, we tend to stay focused on how this virus is affecting us. In the heat of the moment we forget all of the emotions that our children are feeling. Many don’t understand what is happening, only that they can’t go anywhere or they might get sick. Others are frustrated and sad that they will not be able to celebrate milestones the way that they envisioned.
My heart goes out to the teachers, students and the parents. I know how hard you are all working to get through this situation that the virus has forced you into. It is okay to feel the emotions that you are feeling.
However, I know the resiliency of our teachers, parents and children will continue through these trying times. I am especially proud of all of our children for adapting to a new way of learning.
As with all matters concerning state government, I want to hear your opinions and suggestions concerning these issues. Please contact me in my Columbia office located at 608 Gressette Office Building. You can reach me, or a member of my staff in Columbia at (803) 212-6000 or by fax at (803) 212-6011. My district office is located at 2523 East Highway 76, Marion, SC 29571, the phone number is (843) 423-8237 and the fax number is (843) 431-6049. You may also email me at kentwilliams@ My business phone is (843) 423-3904. Please use this information to write, call or e-mail me with your suggestions and concerns regarding issues before the Senate and in our community.

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