Mount Calvary Brotherhood, WMU, and BYW met on Monday, February 4, at 7:00 p.m. at the Mount Calvary Baptist Church Family Life Center.
After a delicious meal and fellowship, the groups dispersed to the proper locations.
Brotherhood Director Joe Price opened with prayer and welcomed all those in attendance.
Price introduced the guest speaker, Dennis Hyatt.
Dennis Hyatt’s topic was “What have you done so far in 2020 for Jesus and what will you do for him the remainder of 2020. He spoke from Matthew 27:15, Isaiah 14:43, Phillippians 3:13, Isaiah 40:48, Matthew 24:35, and Isaiah 5:27.
Hyatt stated that we live in a time when people’s hearts have grown cold. Our world is not ready for our Lord Jesus.
God has us here for a reason. Do you want Jesus to use us more than last year? We need to be doing God’s business. Lord, help us to do more this year for you than we did last year.
We can not look back to 2019. We must look forward to 2020 and do more for our Lord. We must press forward.
Do we have time for Jesus? What about our prayer time? What about our church service? There is much for all of us to do for our Lord Jesus. If we serve God as we should, we will have many obstacles to face. Mount Calvary Baptist Church is located at 405 Mount Calvary Road, Dillon. The Pastor of Mount Calvary Baptist Church is Rev. Harold Cooke.
Dennis Hyatt Speaks To Mount Calvary Baptist Church Brotherhood
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