James William “Jimmy” Brewer was honored on Wednesday, June 26, by the Quilt of Valor Foundation of Myrtle Beach who came to his home in Dillon to present him with a Quilt of Honor.
The mission of Quilt of Valor is to cover all Service Members and Veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.
Quilts of Valor are made by the loving hands of countless volunteers who wish to thank those who have served and to honor their service and sacrifice. These volunteers pour time and love of over 100 hours into each of these quilts. All of these quilts have personal handwritten messages from some of these volunteers.
You are invited to join the Quilt of Valor Foundation in honoring members of our active military and veterans by showing them how much we appreciate their sacrifice and service with their Quilts of Valor. Quilts of Valor provides comfort, love and healing to those who have given so much.
James William “Jimmy” Brewer first entered service at the age of 13. However, his mother had him removed due to his age.
Jimmy entered the service again in 1960 and served through 1972. He had 3 tours of Vietnam.
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