Latta’s Town Hall looks awesome! On April 14th, the Youth Fellowship from Latta United Methodist Church (LUMC) cleaned out the old flower beds around the town hall which had become overgrown with weeds, and planted a variety of hardy low-maintenance plants.
Under the guidance of Jerry Martin, the youth worked for many hours pulling weeds and cultivating the soil.
Holes were dug and the plants were placed in the ground along with a strong mix of fertilizers and other products to support and maintain healthy growth.
The whole project was privately funded by businesses and citizens of Latta.
“Latta is a great place to live, and it really is a very pretty town,” said Rick Kopituk, Youth Director at LUMC. “I think that’s why there was so much support for this.”
Under the leadership of pastor Mike Rouse, LUMC is growing and expanding its service and outreach. “We’re a part of our community and we want to reach out and continue our service to the community. One example of this is the Easter Egg hunt for the town,” said Rouse.
Organized and led by LUMC’s administrator Kathryn Carter, the church partnered with the town during Springfest, donating over 700 eggs filled with candy, and offering a fun and safe Easter Egg hunt for all of the children of Latta at the Edwards House. “The egg hunt had a deeper meaning than just finding eggs and watching our kids have fun. It was an opportunity to share Jesus with the community” said Carter, “We were able to show the community that as Christians we can have fun and fellowship with each other.”