By Betsy Finklea
On Friday, March 23rd, the time capsule, which had been celebrated in a ceremony in December, was placed in the side of the Dillon County Courthouse to be opened in 50 years.
Judge James E. Lockemy, the Chief Justice of the SC Court of Appeals, Dillon County Clerk of Court Gwen T. Hyatt, Dillon County Councilman Harold Moody, Dillon County Library Director Yolanda McCormick, former librarian Carolyn McDaniel, Dillon County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Johnnie Luehrs, Dillon County Maintenance Director Tony Caulder, Attorney Charles Curry, Chris Daniels of Kannaday Funeral Home, Leah McKenzie, and Michael McKenzie along with the installers were present to see the time capsule placed in the cornerstone and to see the cornerstone placed in the courthouse. A brief prayer was said before the cornerstone was placed.
The cornerstone reads: “This cornerstone contains a time capsule installed in the walls of the Dillon County Courthouse on December 14, 2017 to be opened in the year 2067. Special courthouse time capsule committee. Original cornerstone on display in the courthouse.”
The time capsule contains the following items: solar eclipse glasses, courthouse restoration coin, lunch tokens (Latta – 1950), Sheriff’s Deputy badge, Dillon County Veteran of the Year pin, I-73 pins, Dillon County Alive on I-95 pin, Coach Hayes 300 wins pin, Pedro keychain, City Police Patches (Dillon and Lake View), Lake View Fire Department Patch, spike from a Dillon County Railroad track, Latta Vikings State Basketball medallion, Dillon County Council 2017 photo, article on Petty Officer Ronald Freitas, Latta 2008 Veterans Program, The Dillon Herald keychain, Latimer School Keepsake Box, Granny’s One Stop match box, Ben Bernanke Day program, The Golden Land pamphlet, the first voting ballot 1912 for Dillon County, unopened letter from Latta Town Administrator Jarett Taylor, ticket and photo from Major’s Cleaners, copies of the winners of the Dillon County essay contest (My Vision of Dillon County in 50 years), cell phone, The Dillon Herald from March 4, 2017 featuring the groundbreaking of Inland Port Dillon, photo of PFC Chad Owens – the first casualty of the War on Terror from Dillon County, program from the ribbon cutting at the Dillon County Courthouse June 9, 2003, invitation card of the opening of the restored courthouse July 12, 1999, Inland Port Dillon wooden whistle given out at the groundbreaking, photos of the visit of Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, The City of Dillon Mayor’s clock, Lake View centennial pamphlet, Senator Dick Elliott funeral program, copy of the Dillon County Charter, Kannaday’s Funeral Home card, Maple Junior High photos, image from Hodges restaurant, Strickland historic document, Lockemy’s Grocery card, Invitation – Chief Judge James E. Lockemy, and the Dillon County flag. Some of these items are designated to be picked up by specific people in 2067.
Several other worthwhile and notable items were received that simply would not fit in the time capsule. These items are going to be placed in a sealed box to be opened on the same day as the time capsule. Anyone who wishes to place items in this sealed box must get these items to Gwen Hyatt at the Clerk of Court’s Office by April 17, 2018. The items placed in the box will be listed at the time it is sealed.

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