The Glove and Trowel Garden Club met on Wednesday, February 14, 2018, at 3:30 p.m at the City of Dillon Wellness Center, located at 1647 Commerce Drive with Natalie Wallace as our hostess. She served refreshments to the 19 members present.
n the absence of our President, Molly Pittman, our Vice-President, Linda Dutton, called the meeting to order, welcomed everyone, and led in the reading of our Garden Club Collect. She then turned the meeting over to Julia A. McLaurin, Program Chairman, who introduced our guest speaker, Corey Jackson, owner of a local florist, who presented an interesting program on “Using Succulents in Your Décor.” There were three kinds of succulents he talked about: Echeveris, Hen & Bitties, and Kalanchoe. He had a beautiful aqua pot and showed us how to arrange these three for a pretty arrangement. The tallest one should be placed in the pot first toward the back and then the others. They also like clay pots, good rich black dirt, and need to be kept moist. Pansies are good to place around the plants for color. Succulents are also used in Bridal Bouquets.
Julia presented Corey with a gift in appreciation for his program. This program met our National Garden Club Objectives: Horticulture, Floral Design.
Linda then led us in our business meeting. Birthday Recognitions were given to Jeanne McLaurin (February 4) and Julie Sawyer (February 21).

Copies of the January minutes were distributed by Julie Sawyer, Secretary.
Julie LeChette, Treasurer, gave a financial report.
A thank you note was read by Amy McColl from Jean Keefe, Regional Manager of the Lutheran Services Carolinas Pee Dee Foster Care, thanking us for the wonderful gifts that our club gave to our Foster Youth in the Pee Dee Area.
Natalie Wallace will be working on our Civic Project later when the weather is warmer.
Our Coastal District Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 14, 2018, at the Surf Golf and Beach Club at North Myrtle Beach – reservations must be received by Wednesday, March 5, 2018. We hope to have a good group to attend. The Glove and Trowel Garden Club was organized in 1953 and is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., the South-Atlantic Region, the Garden Club Of South Carolina, Inc., and the Coastal District of the GCSC.

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