The February meeting for the Dillon Historical School Foundation (DHSF) was held on Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 at the Dillon Chamber of Commerce Offices.
Chairman Lorene Arnette called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., and called on Vice-Chairman, Abbot Shelley for the Invocation.
The members then rose for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Secretary Mary Miller had emailed the January minutes and all members reported having received and read the minutes, which were approved as there were no corrections.
In her absence, Treasurer, Barbara Herring provided a written copy of the monthly financial report, presented by Mary Miller.
The members began a goal-setting session, planning for immediate needs. Ideas included seeking grant opportunities, building and grounds maintenance and repairs, outreach into the community to share information and include community participation and increase membership. Chairman Arnette reported on receipt of a small grant .
Unfinished business included acquisition of a CPA Firm and grounds maintenance personnel.
Lorene Arnette reported response to the current membership drive has been very positive, to date. The group also discussed purchase of needed kitchen equipment. A committee was formed to address development of a step-by-step action plan for the restoration of the auditorium.
The committee members are: Mary Miller, Deneene Herring, Betty Lou Barclay, Gerald Berry, and as ex-officio Chairman Arnette.
Lorene Arnette reported on water pipes in the former District Administrative Offices that had burst and flooded several rooms, requiring the removal of the damaged carpet. Mary Miller reported on a plan to construct a protective barrier to prevent rain water from collecting under the Graded School/West Elementary (White Building) in order to avoid damage to the building.
Under new business Gerald Berry was elected to fill a vacated seat on the Board. Other routine organization business including adoption of new organizational policy proposals, adoption of a budget proposal, and developing a speaker’s team for outreach to local clubs and civic groups.
Gerald Berry announced the organizational meeting of an Arts Guild scheduled for Wednesday, February 21st, at 5:30 p.m. located at the Wellness Center and encouraged members to attend.
The meeting adjourned with a reminder that the next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 6th, at the Dillon Chamber of Commerce Conference room at 7:00 p.m. Visitors and new members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

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