Chairman Johnnie Daniels opened with prayer.
Mildred Mishue and 10 members gave Pledge of Allegiance. (Two more members arrived later).
The Treasurer’s report was given by Cathorine Price.
A motion was made and seconded by all to accept the report as given.
Chairman Johnnie Daniels asked about the 2018 Health Fair being on Thursday or Saturday this year. This was discussed and voted to wait until next meeting to set date.
Treasurer Cathorine Price presented a check for $250.00 to Levern Hayes for the use of the American Legion Hall.
Chairman Daniels informed the group that there was a possibility of a grant and wanted to know if the Help For Veterans, Inc. could help the American Legion Hall by helping to insulate the building. Lloyd Brown of the American Legion stated that the Hall could really use some new energy-efficient windows at this time.
Members discussed the possibility of homeless vets in Dillon County.
Dillon County Veterans Affairs Director Valerie Graves informed the group of a veteran who was in need with his electricity bill. This was discussed, and the group contributed $50.00 to the cause.
Chairman Daniels inquired as to whether the group wanted to continue the website, After a very brief discussion a motion was and made, seconded, and voted unanimously to keep same. A check was written to pay for same.
Next on the agenda was that the post office box rent was due. After discussing the group approved payment for one year for $62.00.
Johnny Eller suggested that the group make an effort to get a van to get our veterans to their doctor appointments. This was discussed and will be brought up at the next meeting.
The group also discussed drivers.
Chairman Daniels thanked Lonnie and Julie Daniels for the refreshments and Mildred Mishue for the coffee.
The next Help For Veterans, Inc. meeting will be held Thursday, February 15, 2018.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved by all to adjourn the meeting.

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