The Yellow Jessamine Club of Dillon( #015C) met on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 6:30 pm. The meeting was held at the beautiful home of Judy Powell. There was 100% attendance. The beautiful arrangements of pink cultivars were displayed throughout her residence.
The meeting began with President Mary Ricks welcomed everyone and all members recited the Creed and Gardener’s Prayer. Refreshments were prepared and each member enjoyed a delicious meal. Judy Powell made homemade spaghetti and garlic bread with a marshmallow coconut dessert. Glenda Campbell assisted and also made a Mexican Spaghetti. All was delightful!
After the meal, the roll was called by the answering of a pink cultivar. The minutes were read also by Secretary Darlene Wilkerson and they were approved as read.
The Membership and Projects Committees had no business to report at this time.
Correspondence Chairman Mildred Mishue stated that all calls were made reminding the members of the meeting. Mildred also made copies for each member to commit to the items that are being brought to Holiday Goodness.
Holiday Goodness and Bazaar will be held at The City of Dillon Wellness Center on Saturday, November 18, 2017 from 9am-4pm. The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club will be the Santa’s Kitchen booth selling homemade cakes, pies and goodies for the holidays.
President Mary Ricks made mention of the commercial that had been created by Hometown TV8 for the advertisement of Holiday Goodness.
President Ricks also asked for participation for a workday on October 16. Several chores included raking, cutting grass and refreshing the pine straw at J.P Camp Roadside Park, as well as, Harmon Park.
Publicity Chairman Melissa Moody handed out the Newsletter for October and read “Horticulture Moments” as written in the newsletter and in the 2017-2018 handbook. She also asked for donations for “Bucks for Birds” which is a campaign sponsored by our GCSC President Donna Donnelly, to raise money for the Feed the Birds President’s Project. This money will go to educating members on the impact made, by transitioning, from maintaining a birdfeeder to cultivating habitats for birds. These funds are also to expand the Children’s Gardens at Riverbanks Zoo and The SC Botanical Gardens in Clemson.
Birds Chairman Frances Tyler read the birds report on Bluebirds.
Program Leader and Vice President, Dianne Pittman presented a great program on Breast Cancer Awareness and gave a personal testimony on the diagnosis and treatment of this illness. She also distributed goodie bags decorated with pink ribbon in honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Old business discussed was the trash handling at J.P. Camp Roadside Park. Special thanks to Judy Wyman for handling this matter, as well as, the City of Dillon Street Department. Also, the YJGC has been asked to participate, and has accepted, in the decorating of The Dillon House for Christmas. The YJGC will decorate the stairs and the Christmas tree for the showing.
The November meeting will be held at the home of Janet Keaton. The program leader will be Melissa Moody and the program title is “Feathered Friends.” (Objective: Conservation & Protection)
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., South Atlantic Region, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc. and Coastal District of South Carolina.