On Wednesday, September 12th, the Glove and Trowel Garden Club of Dillon met at the home of Ellen Jordan at 3:30 for their first meeting of the new year with 19 members present.
For the 2017-2019 years the new officers are Molly Pittman, President, Linda Dutton, Vice-President, Julie Sawyer, Secretary, Julie LeChette, Treasurer, Fay Sloan and Sally Harrison, Historian and Marilyn Zunk, Parliamentarian.
President Molly Pittman opened the meeting by thanking hostess Ellen Jordan for opening her home followed by the reciting of the Club Collect.
The club also acknowledged two new honorary members – Rosemary Bethea and Kathryn Bumgardner.
Club members were reminded that last month the Blue Star Marker was installed on a granite base near the entrance of the walking trail at the Wellness Center. Dedication of the new plaque is being planned for a later date.
The decision was made by club members for two members to receive Life Memberships to the Garden Club of South Caroline and two members to receive the South Atlantic Region Life Memberships.
The President of the Garden Club of South Carolina has starteda new project, “Feed the Birds”. Following the theme “Birds of a Feather Garden Together,” the project will provide education for members regarding the protection and conservation of South Carolina birds as well as benefiting birding projects across the state, especially the SC Botanical Garden in Clemson and the Riverbanks Botanical Children’s Garden in Columbia. The Garden Club voted to participate in the project by making a financial contribution.
Following the business meeting, Patricia Page, the program chairman, introduced the guest speaker, Corey Jackson of Jackson and Strickland Floral Designs. At a meeting last year, Corey instructed the group in how to create a floral arrangementas well as introducing the women to various flowers and greens that were used. At this meeting, Corey conducted a hands-on workshop on techniques of “Fall Floral Design.”
The women brought live or silk flowers and greens as well as a vase or container and any needed supplies and tools.
With Corey’s direction and assistance each member created an autumn arrangement for her home.
The Glove and Trowel Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., South Atlantic Region, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., and the Coastal District GCSC.

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