August 8, 2017
(Minutes submitted are unofficial until approved at the next month’s regular monthly meeting.)
The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2017 in the District Administrative Conference Room.
Trustees present were Kyle Berry, Ray George, Vanessa Harrison, Kwame Hennagan, Stuart Poston, Eleanor Powers, and JoAnn Williamson.
Chair Kyle Berry welcomed all present and Dr. John Kirby opened with prayer.
New Trustee, Kwame Hennagan, was introduced and sworn into office by Chair Kyle Berry.
Dr. John Kirby conducted the election of Board Officers. A motion was made by Vanessa Harrison to keep the current slate of officers that are now serving and elect a new secretary. Stuart Poston amended and seconded the motion to elect Vanessa Harrison as secretary. The Board Officers are as follows: Kyle Berry, Chair; Eleanor Powers, Vice-Chair; and Vanessa Harrison, Secretary. Vote was unanimous.
Coach Stephanie Ard was recognized and congratulated for winning the 2017 Class 2A Girls Softball Championship.
There being no corrections or additions to the June 13, 2017 minutes and the current agenda, Chair Kyle Berry ruled that they stand approved.
Dr. John Kirby updated the Board on charter school information.
Donna Taylor presented the status reports for May 2017 and June 2017 on the General Fund budget.
Dr. John Kirby updated the Board on the reimbursement for the Latta Elementary School construction.
An update on the reduction in Title II funding was given by George Liebenrood.
Latta Middle School and Latta High School electives needing Board approval were presented by George Liebenrood. A motion to approve the electives was made by Eleanor Powers and seconded by JoAnn Williamson. Vote was unanimous.
An update on Chrome Book Project and Conser-Fund Project was given by Robert McIntyre.
Larry Legette gave an update on the Lighting/HVAC Project and transportation.
Dr. John Kirby shared a letter from a staff member thanking the District for the annual health screening for employees.
Auditor’s information was given to each board member.
An update on the County Funding issue was given by Dr. John Kirby.
Athletic passes were given to each board member by Dr. John Kirby.
Sandra Jones gave an update on summer programs.
Eleanor Powers shared the Ellis Performing Arts Center upcoming events with the Board.
Upon Dr. John Kirby’s recommendation, a motion to approve the hiring of Nahomy Crespo-Liborius, Carmilla Griffin, Tearra Kelley, Emporia Mungo, Christy Rogers and Angel White and to accept the resignation of Melinda Robinson and Jeffery Moultrie was made by Stuart Poston and seconded by Ray George. Vote was unanimous.
A motion was made by Vanessa Harrison and seconded by Kwame Hennagan to accept Policy IKB – Home Assignment as first reading. Vote was unanimous.
Stuart Poston made a motion to approve first reading and waive second reading of Policy EF-R – Food Services. Eleanor Powers seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
There being to further business, Chair Kyle Berry adjourned the meeting at 7:42 p.m.