A Dillon High School student who attempted to speak at a public hearing at the Dillon County Council meeting in June had his moment to shine on Tuesday as he was a speaker on the agenda at the Dillon County Board of Education meeting.
Jacorie McCall had signed up to speak at a public hearing about the Dillon County budget at the council’s June meeting; however, Dillon County Council Chairman Archie Scott said that McCall was not speaking according to the budget, and he did not get to finish his remarks.
McCall’s remarks for that Dillon County Council meeting were published in The Dillon Herald. The following is his speech to the Dillon County Board of Education on Tuesday:
As some of you may know, my name is Jacorie McCall, and a couple of weeks ago I attempted to speak at the Dillon County Council meeting. I was shut down and rudely interrupted at a Public Hearing. I wanted to ask them not to cut off county funding to the great schools of Dillon County, because education is an essential part of growth here in this county, and in the state of South Carolina. James McGreevey made an awesome point when he stated, “We are losing sight of civility in government and politics. Debates and dialogue are taking a backseat to the politics of destruction and anger and control. Dogma has replaced thoughtful discussion between people of differing views.”
I have decided due to the lack of accountability and division in our government here locally, that it leads up to us needing to pray. We cannot absolutely put our trust in anything we want; such as ourselves, legislation, or even government itself. However, the only way to fix these problems in our county is that we talk to God and put our trust in Him; and love unconditional, despite how we have been treated.
We cannot put our trust in a lackadaisical governing body, who only keeps their best interest at the lakefront. Liberty is a constant battle between government; who would limit it, people, who would relinquish it, and patriots who would defend it. Although, the beauty of our system of government is that there is always an upcoming election to seek change that we feel is necessary.
I urge citizens of this county to look to God with me, and surrender our agenda and accept God’s agenda for our lives and Dillon County.
Let us pray: Thank you Lord, for the opportunity to praise your sovereign name. We are overwhelmed by the blessings you have bestowed on this county through academics, economic development, athletics and much more. God, I ask you to grant us with amazing wisdom, the wisdom of truth, wisdom of guidance, and wisdom for how government should run! We ask you to remove every aspect of selfishness in our county leadership, so we can have leadership that operates as your word tells us, in selfless service to our brothers and sisters. God, when you choose not to move mountains please give us the strength to still acknowledge your name. God I pray that we give the government back to the hard working citizens of Dillon County, and come closer to “You” so we can learn how to love each other in order to better serve each other. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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