By Betsy Finklea
Dillon County Station Three Fire Chief John Smith made a presentation to the Dillon County Council on fire department billing at a recent meeting.
Dillon County Administrator Rodney Berry stated that they have been looking at ways to save some money with their fire service and create revenue. He said he tasked Chief John Smith to look into some billing that will not put any extra burden on the citizens. He said in past history individual fire departments in the county have billed insurance companies for responses to structure fires, car wrecks, and car fires. At some point, they all stopped. He said it was brought up at a chief’s meeting if they could explore the possibility of doing this.
Smith contacted some local departments and did some research nationwide. There are 10 states nationwide that do not let fire departments bill. South Carolina allows for billing.
The fire service in Dillon County cost $1.2 million last year. The fire fee only brings in $300,000, and this has been consistent the last five years.
He said most homeowner’s insurance has $500 built in for a structure fire response fee. He said the policy will not go up nor will the person be dropped it the fire department charges the fee.
He discussed how the fire departments that he contacted handle billing. He noted that these departments do not bill those who do not have insurance or whose insurance company refuses to pay.
He asked the council if they want them to further explore billing. Scott thanked him for his presentation.
Editor’s Note: To view this meeting, visit The Dillon Herald’s channel on YouTube (searchable under Johnnie Daniels/look for The Dillon Herald sign); go to; or go to the direct link at It is the Dillon County Council Feb. 22, 2017 meeting.

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