OSHA Citations
Issued On Latta Fire
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has issued citations in relation to the fire on Calm Street on January 24th that injured two Latta firefighters.
The Dillon County Council was informed about the citations at their August 17th meeting. The county received a total of three citations:
1) The fire department did not adhere to the Incident Command System – a $525.00 penalty.
2) The fire department did not adhere to the Two In, Two Out rule – a $900.00 penalty.
3) Monthly inspections were not conducted on the SCBAs (self-contained breathing apparatuses) – a $900.00 penalty.
The total amount of the penalties was $2,325.00. Corrective action has been taken on each. The county administrator and the risk manager spoke with OSHA and explained the plan for the fire departments. OSHA stated that he was reducing the penalty to $712.50.

Sheriff Receives Grant
Sheriff Major Hulon informed the Dillon County Council at a recent meeting that he received a Justice Assistance Grant. The $13,893 will be applied to the purchase of a patrol car. $10,714 will have to be added to this amount to purchase the car.

Council Approves
The Dillon County Council approved a snow and ice removal agreement between Dillon County and the S.C. Department of Transportation. Councilman Archie Scott made the motion which was seconded by Councilman Bobby Moody. All voted in favor.

Recreation Requests
The Dillon County Council approved the following recreation requests at their July 27th meeting: Archie Scott motioned to approve the following requests: $350.00 payable to Minturn Annual Community Picnic which will be held August 19th, 20th, 21st, $50.00 each from Stevie Grice, Archie Scott, Randy Goings, Bobby Moody, T.F. Finklea, Harold Moody and Robbie Coward’s recreation; $200.00 payable to Shawn Bethea for Stop the Violence Street Ball Event on July 30th, $50.00 each from Archie Scott, Randy Goings, Harold Moody and Stevie Grice’s recreation; $830.00 payable to Thunder Zone Martial Arts Academy for Karate Tournament for the kids on August 13th, $200.00 each from Archie Scott, Randy Goings, and T.F. Finklea’s recreation, $100.00 from Harold Moody’s recreation, $80.00 from Stevie Grice’s recreation, and $50.00 from Bobby Moody’s recreation; $150.00 payable to Oak Grove Neighborhood Watch for Supplies Success Drive, $100.00 from T.F. Finklea’s recreation, $25.00 each from Archie Scott and Randy Goings’ recreation; $150.00 payable to Ark of Safety House of Prayer for the Youth Department, $100.00 from Archie Scott’s recreation and $50.00 from Randy Goings’ recreation; $200.00 payable to Manning Baptist Church for Back to School Bash on August 13th, $50.00 each from Archie Scott and Randy Goings’ recreation, $25.00 each from Harold Moody, Stevie Grice, T.F. Finklea, and Bobby Moody’s recreation. Robbie Coward seconded and all were in favor.

County Council
Approves Funds
For Truck Motor
The Dillon County Council approved the funds for a motor for a Mack Truck at a recent meeting. Finance Director Richard Gaddy told council that Landfill Director Charlie Brown has a 2007 Mack Truck that needs a new motor which will cost $15,500. Robbie Coward motioned to get a new motor for the 2007 Mack Truck in the amount of $15,500. Harold Moody seconded and all were in favor.

Funds Approved
At the July 27th meeting of the Dillon County Council, the council approved $2,500 each for travel for the following teams: Dillon Dixie Angels 10U, Dillon Dixie Ponytails 12U, and the Latta Dixie Belles 15U. The World Series was held at Myrtle Beach. Councilman Robbie Coward made the motion seconded by Councilman Randy Goings. All were in favor.

Credit Card
Request Approved
Councilman Robbie Coward motioned for Finance Director Richard Gaddy to apply for a credit card with a $25,000.00 limit with Anderson Brothers Bank credit card and once received do away with another card they have. Councilman Archie Scott seconded. Discussion was held concerning credit card. Voting in favor was: Councilmen Stevie Grice, Robbie Coward, Archie Scott, and T.F. Finklea. Voting opposed was: Councilmen Bobby Moody and Harold Moody.
No vote was Councilman Randy Goings.

Made To Board
The Dillon County Council voted to reappoint Carmen Bethea to the Trinity Behavioral Care Board of Directors.
Councilman Robbie Coward made the motion seconded by Councilman Archie Scott. All voted in favor.

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