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The Pilot Club of Dillon met Thursday, June 23, at the City of Dillon Fire Dept. Twenty-one people were present. This meeting was our Senior Supper and several guests attended.
Our guests were Nell Beasley from Pilot Club of Bishopville, Michelle Beasley, Betty Sue Herring, Jincey Lee and Dr. Linda Hayes. The department was beautifully decorated by Julie Hatcher. Magnolia leaves, a burlap table runner, Landen red lanterns and sapphire blue hydrangeas adorned the center of the table.
President Vicki Simerly called the meeting to order and welcomed our friends and guests.
She also introduced our guest speaker, Vivian Lee, incoming Governor of the SC District of Pilot International. Ms. Lee’s motto is “Bear your angelic wings in love & service.”
Millie Stanton gave the devotion and prayer for the meal. The meal was provided by all members of the club.
After the delicious meal, incoming Governor of SC District, Vivian Lee, began the installation of officers.
She first gave praise to the existing 2015-2016 officers.
She, then, announced each new officer and the details of their position.
Treasurer Francis Shillingburg, Secretary Melissa Moody, President Elect Johnnie Luehrs, and President Dorothy Stephens all accepted the positions by saying “I will.” The symbol of our installation was a colorful bear.
She explained just as each color of the spectrum is distinctive; each officer has a certain task. When officers are successful in their duties, they keep the club on its “true course ever.”
As an extension of the installation, Vivian gave each of us a candle.
Ms. Lee also expressed that Pilots are people that lead, guide and help in troubled times. That’s exactly each member’s duty; to be a leader, guide, friend, and servant. WE ARE PILOT!
The club then lit the candles, as the Project Coordinator, Ashley Webster, lit the candles of the Treasurer and the Secretary. Governor-Elect Vivian lit the candle of President Dorothy Stephens. This passing of the light symbolizes the support and encouragement the District and Pilot Club of Dillon will provide for our President.
After the presentation, Jamie Sue Stephens presented incoming SC District Governor, Vivian Lee, and 2015-2016 President of Pilot Club of Dillon, Vicki Simerly, with a gift of appreciation. Vicki Simerly has done a fantastic job as The PC of Dillon’s President this past year. We appreciate her dedication and willingness to serve. We also welcomed new member, Sandra Ross, to our club. We look forward to having her on our team!
St. Jude funds were collected, and the Mystery gift was won by our guest, Nell Beasley. The meeting was then adjourned.