The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club of Dillon met Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Dianne Pittman. Eleven members were present. As each member entered with their gift, a number was placed on their gift to draw numbers for our Christmas game.
The meeting was called to order by President Mildred Mishue. She thanked Dianne for being our hostess and graciously welcoming us into her beautiful home.  Earline Moody opened with a Christmas devotion and prayer. Roll call was given by Secretary Judy Powell as we each answered with an evergreen.
She also read the minutes from our November meeting and they were approved. Due to the absence of Cathy McDaniel, President Mildred Mishue read the Treasurer’s report.
Membership Chairman Earline Moody reported that we are happy to have a new prospect for our club. The committee will meet and discuss the acceptance. Next, our Projects and Litter Chairman, Frances Tyler stated that a work day needs to be scheduled in January. Mary Ricks reported that she placed the flags around our Blue Star Marker for Veterans’ Day. Next order of business was Ways and Means Chairman Judy Powell as she discussed Holiday Goodness at the City of Dillon Wellness Center on November 21, 2015 and what a wonderful attendance and fundraiser for our club. Many cakes, pies, and casseroles were sold. She also mentioned The YJGC continuing The Santa’s Kitchen Booth next year, and the club unanimously agreed. The monies raised from Holiday Goodness will go towards the maintaining of the J.P. Camp Roadside Park, Riverside Cemetery, The Blue Star Memorial Markers; one at the Dunbar Memorial library, one at the roadside park and also the beautification and restoration of Dillon County.
Following Judy, President Mildred Mishue read our new business which was an invitation from The Dillon Garden Club inviting us to an Arbor Day Celebration December 4, 2015 at 10:00 am at the City of Dillon Wellness Center. Many plan to attend.
We are also preparing for the upcoming Coastal District meeting in March 2016. Each member is asked to bring three gifts valued at $10 each.
After business, the club decided to partake in the delectable food served by Dianne Pittman. She made homemade chicken salad croissants, country ham biscuits, sausage balls, cheese ball with crackers, fruit assortment and wonderful desserts.
The centerpiece of the table was a bright red poinsettia that enhanced the Christmas décor. We all were very grateful for her hospitality! After our meal, numbers were drawn for the Christmas gifts and each departed our own way with a Merry Christmas!
The next meeting will be held at the home of Judy Wyman on January 5, 2016.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club is a member of The National Garden Clubs, Inc. South Atlantic Region of National Council, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., and The Coastal District of The Garden Club of South Carolina.

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