September 18, 2014
Presiding:Mayor Boston Page, Jr.
Present:Council Members: Layton Townsend, Billy Sanderson, Matthew Elvington and Bruce McNeil
Mayor Page opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. He noted for the record that the following Town Council members were present, making a quorum:
1) Layton Townsend
2) Billy Sanderson
3) Matthew Elvington
4) Bruce McNeil
Mayor Page called the meeting to order and began with prayer. The minutes from August 21, 2014 were read. Council member Billy Sanderson made the motion to accept the minutes from August 21, 2014 as presented. Council member Matthew Elvington seconded the motion and all those present voted in favor.
The next item on the agenda was the bankcard machine that was used to process water bill payments through First Citizens Bank. Council member Billy Sanderson stated that there was a proposal to reactivate the machine for a fee of $50.00 per month in order to process Court fine payments, Business License payments, etc. Also, under the same plan called BOB Advantage offered through First Citizens Bank that would reactivate the bankcard machine, there is the ability to include direct deposit for Town employees through our payroll system. Council member Billy Sanderson stated that it had been recommended to Mayor and Council to initiate this process to provide the capability of processing payments over the phone for various services and/or fees, as well as being able to offer direct deposit to Town employees. Council member Layton Townsend asked how this would be addressed in the event one of our employees did not bank with First Citizens. Mr. Sanderson stated that it could be directly deposited into the bank account of their choice, whether they banked with First Citizens personally or not. Council member Matthew Elvington suggested speaking with someone at the bank regarding processing fees, etc. After some discussion, Mayor and Council agreed to wait until they can gather more information on the fees and charges before making any decisions.
The next item on the agenda was passing a resolution to the Comprehensive Plan, originally adopted in 2006. The Town needs to have Mike Burkhold prepare a document concerning the Town Ordinances to include the 2010 Census data. Mr. Sanderson stated that Mr. Burkhold informed them that the Planning Commission would have to review and approve the proposed document before he could go any further. Mayor page contacted Glenn Hayes and Marie Grainger, who are listed as the Planning Commission members for the Town, and asked them if they would continue to serve as members and both parties agreed. Council member Billy Sanderson stated that Allison Page would type a draft of the proposed resolution to send to the Planning Commission members to review, and once they
agree to adopt it, then the resolution could be passed with two readings of the Council.
Council member Matthew Elvington asked if the Town had the previous document from 2006 on file or would Ms. Page have to re-type something altogether? Council member Billy Sanderson stated he believed the document could be pulled up as a Microsoft Word document and amended.
Council member Billy Sanderson asked Council member Bruce McNeil if he had an opportunity to look over the proposed Rules and Regulations for the Town of Lake View Cemetery. Mr. McNeil stated he had read the paperwork and believed it would be best to go ahead and have something in place to go by and the details could always be addressed as they arise. There was some discussion pertaining to fees and pricing, amount of plots available, expense of maintenance, etc. Council member Billy Sanderson asked the Mayor if he thought they would need a new Ordinance for the new rules and regulations for the cemetery, or would the document stand on its own if they all voted to adopt it. Mayor Page stated he thought if they needed to vote to make the rules and regulations for the Town of Lake View Cemetery into an Ordinance, which would just be a formality that could be handled at another Council meeting. Council member Billy Sanderson stated he was going to call the City Manager in Dillon and ask them how they manage the Riverside Cemetery, and if they have that cemetery governed by an ordinance, then he would suggest that the Town of Lake View do the same. Council member Matthew Elvington made a motion to adopt the Town of Lake View Cemetery Rules and Regulations as they were written and adopt them either as an ordinance, or as rules and regulations, as Mr. Sanderson sees according after his conversation with the City Manager in Dillon. Council member Bruce McNeil seconded the motion and all those present voted in favor.
The next item on the agenda was Council Concerns. Mayor Page stated that the cost of the radios that the Town will have to purchase to replace the outdated radios in the police cars has increased. The mandatory upgrade will take effect in January 2016 and was issued by the Department of Transportation for all of Dillon County. Mayor Page asked Chief of Police, James McDaniels, for a ballpark figure as to what this might cost the Town. Mr. McDaniels told the Mayor a few months ago it would cost approximately $25,000.00 to upgrade all the radios for the Lake View Police Department. Over the last several months that estimate has increased to $45,000.00. Council member Matthew Elvington stated that he has been searching for any available grants to help offset the cost of this mandatory upgrade. Mr. Elvington stated it was his understanding that until the deadline in 2016 they were going to dispatch on both frequencies. Mr. Elvington also stated he believed the State was under contract with Motorola, however he did not know any of the details of that contract. He stated he would like to continue to get more quotes and check into different options that may be available, such as locating donated equipment. Mayor and Council agreed to let Mr. Elvington look into this further before moving forward.
Mr. Elvington stated that when the Christmas on the Boulevard Committee met earlier in the week, it was brought to everyone’s attention that the quote which was received for banners for the flag poles only included a price for banners that were printed on one side, and he wanted to make sure Mayor and Council were aware of this in case it was brought before them again. Therefore, twelve sets would have to be purchased instead of the six sets that Mayor and Council approved. Council member Matthew Elvington stated that Mrs. Pat Laird said she would contact the company and find out some more information before making any purchases.
Mayor Page stated he wanted to discuss the Town of Lake View Cemetery Rules and Regulations once more just for clarification. Council member Billy Sanderson asked if everyone thought it would be acceptable to give Mr. Tony Cooke a copy of the paperwork since he helps the Town with sales of their cemetery plots. Mayor and Council agreed that Mr. Cooke would need a copy. Council member Matthew Elvington stated, for clarification, that effective immediately the Town would enforce the Town of Lake View Cemetery Rules and Regulations as it is, and in the event it needs to be adopted as an ordinance the Mayor and Council will address it at that time.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.