The Oak Grove Neighborhood Watch has amended its bylaws on June 5th. They became effective on August 1st.
Article I -Purpose of the organization
-To encourage interest in the Neighborhood Watch Program.
– To promote favorable relationships with the general public.
– To exchange ideas, general information relative to Oak Grove residents.
-To actively support the Dillon County Sheriff Department’s anti-crime initiatives.
-To cultivate safe streets and stimulate pride among Oak Grove residents.
-To secure the latest information, literature, etc. from the Sheriff’s Department on safe neighborhoods.
-To have fun and socialize with neighbors.
Article II          TERMS
-A general Neighborhood Watch Meeting is also known as a business meeting.
-A meeting of the Executive Board will include Program Coordinator, Vice Program Coordinator, Secretary/ Treasurer. Block Captains may be requested to attend.
-Block Captains must be willing to serve the Oak Grove Community and are willing to be called upon at any time when assistance is needed.
-Members do not have to be from the Oak Grove Community but concerned citizens who are willing to promote our Mission Statement.
-Community Meetings will be held on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7 PM at the Oak Grove Fire Department unless otherwise stated in notice.
-Block Captain Meetings can be called at the discretion of the Program Coordinator.
– Annual Meeting will be held once each calendar year for the purpose of electing Executive Board, Block Captains as well as reviewing and amending the Mission Statement and these By-Laws by a two-thirds majority of the *eligible members present. Members will be given a 10 day notice.
– Special Election can be called if someone on the Executive Board needs to be replaced.
-Notices of meetings will be given by flyers, newspaper, internet and/or telephone.
-Watch signs will be placed with land owner’s permission.
-Block Captains are responsible for organizational property in their possession.
Article VI         OFFICERS
-The Executive Board will consist of a Program Coordinator, Assistant Program Coordinator, Secretary/ Treasurer, Auditor. Mr. James Tart has been voted to remain as auditor on a permanent basis.

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