AIKEN– It’s official – USC Aiken has successfully achieved a new Guinness World Record’s Title for “Largest game of knockout (basketball)!” Thank you to all the faculty, staff, students, and members of the Aiken community that participated – you can now say you were part of a successful world record attempt.

What is Knock-Out?  The game consists of a line of players that will shoot from a specific place like the foul line.  Once a shooter makes his shot, and is successful, he will move to the back of the line.  If the player misses his shot, after the next player shoots, he will have the opportunity to finish his play before the following player makes a shot, or face elimination.

The event took almost six months to plan with students helping choose what type of world record would be attempted.  Then, with help from Aiken Parks, Recreation and Tourism, the City Manager of Aiken’s office, and various departments on campus, plans were made.

“I’d like to thank everyone who played to make this attempt a success as every person counted,” said Angel Miano, Associate Director of Student Life.  “It was AWESOME to see the University community pull together to make this happen!”

“I thought this would be a wonderful activity to bring USC Aiken and the Aiken community together,” says Dr. Jordan, USC Aiken’s Chancellor.  “We are thrilled the record was broken and I am excited others can see what teamwork between a university and community can accomplish.”

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