(Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald)


First Baptist Church held a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on December 24 at 5 p.m. The prelude to worship was played by Katharine Moody. This was followed by “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing and Christmas greetings by Pastor Dickie Cullum. The Whisnand Family brought a message in song to “Happy Birthday, Jesus.” This was followed by the lighting of the Christ Candle by the Tim Fitzgibbon family.

Katharine Moody then brought a message in song to “One Child.” This was followed by the hymn, “Joy To The World.” The scripture reading, Luke 2:1-20, was read by Sarah Elizabeth Price. The Whisnand Family then sang “O Holy Night.” The Christmas meditation was given by Pastor Cullum. The lighting of the candles then took place. The benediction was given by Pastor Cullum. This was followed by the parting chorus and then the postlude by Rebecca Coleman.


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