RALI-DC has received a grant from the South Carolina Tobacco-Free Collaborative (SCTFC) to provide no smoking signage and palm cards to educational groups, recreational groups or faith based organizations.
The SCTFC is a statewide assembly of the leading health organizations, coalitions, and businesses committed to reducing the toll of tobacco use in South Carolina by providing resources and information on tobacco related issues.
SCTFC was formed 2001 to serve as forum and voice for reducing the toll of tobacco use in South Carolina. The collaborative promotes a coordinated effort among its member organizations to prevent tobacco use and its consequences while maintaining economic viability of all communities. The advocacy and education efforts reach across the state through working with community-based coalitions who receive SCTFC grant funds.
With an adult smoking rate at 22%, a youth smoking rate of 18%, and 13% of pregnant women smoking, tobacco is taking a terrible toll on our state.
By taking measures such as eliminating secondhand smoke from work places, preventing tobacco use initiation among youth and promoting cessation among youth and adults, the toll can be significantly lowered. Anyone wishing to receive signs or groups who would like palm cards for their organization, please send contact information along with the number of items needed to ralidc2008@gmail.com.