On Saturday, May 4, the Ladies Auxiliary and the Floyd Dale Fire Department held the first annual reunion of former firefighters from 1982 to the present.
After signing in and an opening prayer by Rev. Kenneth Johnson, a delicious BBQ with all the trimmings was served. A beautiful sheet cake welcomed the former members.
Chief Ray McCormick presided over the program. Board members recognized were Howard Matthews, Leo Johnson, and Les Jackson. Special guests were Rev. James Orr, Rev. Kenneth Johnson, and Howard Edwards.
Former members returning for the occasion were: Oral Hulon, Cheryl Rogers, Leo Johnson, John Jones, Howard Matthews, Bruce Johnson, Sandra Ross, Michael Lane, Jerry Don Bullard, Jason Bullard, Johnny Meyers, and Tammy Bryant.
Nostalgia was in the air as the members reminisced about the many shared events from previous years. Chief Ray McCormick noted the many grants received by the department.
Due to hospitalization, Dot Matthews, president of the auxiliary, was unable to attend. Her remarks were read by Janet Holder.
Mrs. Matthews expressed appreciation for having worked with past and present members.
Everyone enjoyed solos by Michelle Hewitt and a sing-a-long by Rev. James Orr. Rev. Orr closed the reunion with prayer.


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