(Taken from the March minutes)
At a recently meeting, Mayor Todd Davis gave an overview of the different tax revenues the city collects and how they were used.
The 2% Hospitality Tax is paid on hot meals from the various restaurants and grocery store delis in the city limits.
The State Accommodations Tax  revenue is money received from the state and given to the municipalities to disburse. Of that money, the first $25,000 goes to the City of Dillon, the next 5% goes to the city, 65% goes to the Accommodations Tax  Committee to disburse as they see fit, and 30% goes to the Chamber of Commerce, which is the tourism designee.
The Local 3% A-Tax is revenue collected from hotels and motels in the city limits. This money is spent in the city on lights for the I-95 entrance and exits, signs along I-95, Celebrate Main Street, beautification projects, and donations to charitable organizations and other requests. Janet Bethea added that the city usually collects about $5,800 per month in the 3% A-Tax Funds. This figure is down from the $12,000 they normally collected in previous years.

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