By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon County Council received a request for funds from the Dillon County Historical Society for the upkeep of the Mt. Holly Cemetery where Dillon County’s father, James W. Dillon, members of Mr. Dillon’s family, and others who played an important role in Dillon County are buried.
The Society is asking for the following as quoted from their letter to council:
1) “A one-time grant of $10,000 for restoration of the site to include landscaping, lighting, recognition items and fence repair.”
2) “$3,000 annually for the maintenance of the site.”
3)  “$1,800 for the purchase of a historical marker from the S.C. Department of Archives and History.”
They agree to make a report annually to County Council or sooner upon request.
The request states that those who signed the letter (including Abbott Shelley, Chairman of the Special Dillon Gravesite Committee, and committee members Betty Lou Barclay, Carley Wiggins, John Rogers, James E. Lockemy, and Mary C. Stephens) “strongly feel that it is extremely important to preserve history in order to help impart historical values and to instill an appreciation of the influence and dedication that our citizens of the past have conveyed on us today and will convey upon future citizens of our county—the youth of today and those yet unborn.. We also feel that his (James W. Dillon) grave stands as a monument to those visiting our county extolling virtue, sacrifice, and the determination of the people of Dillon to become an independent county. The proper upkeep of his grave and immediate surroundings could be a strong draw to those from within South Carolina … interested in visiting and learning more about our wonderful and historic
county.” The letter further states that they “pledge to the county and to you, the council, that with these funds, we will maintain Mr. Dillon’s gravesite and area in a fashion that will instill pride in our citizens and praise from our visitors.” County Attorney Ken Dubose said this would not be contravene to the order of the court. He said this was a policy decision. He said they could do it as a line item transfer or consider it for the upcoming budget.
The matter was assigned to the finance committee.

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