By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon County Council approved a resolution in honor of the Dillon High School Wildcats football team’s state championship win at a special meeting held recently.
The motion to pass the resolution was made by Councilman Joe Johnson and was seconded by Councilman Harold Moody. All approved the motion.
The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, Dillon High School is one of the schools which teaches the youth of Dillon County and prepares them for adult life;
WHEREAS, Dillon High School has developed an exceptional sports program for its students, and;
WHEREAS, the Dillon Wildcat 2012-2013 football team has won the Class AA State football championship for the third time in five years, and;
WHEREAS, the Dillon County Council believes that this accomplishment should be recognized by Dillon County;
NOW THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that Dillon County, through the Dillon County Council does congratulate the 2012-2013 members of the Dillon High School varsity football team for winning the 2012-2013 Class AA South Carolina State Football Championship, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Dillon County, through the Dillon County Council, does further congratulate the entire student body, administrative members, faculty, coaches, other workers, cheerleaders, parents, fans, and many volunteers of Dillon High School, without whom this accomplishment could not have been achieved.
This resolution is passed this 15th day of February 2013 by the Dillon County Council in a meeting duly assembled.
The council also agreed to a $1,000 donation for the banquet for the team which was held on February 25th

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