Regular Council Meeting Of the Latta Town Council
January 10, 2013-7:00 PM
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Prayer
IV. Minutes from Regular Council Meeting, December 13, 2012
V. Appointment of Clerk/Treasurer
VI. Second Reading: Ordinance 2012.09 – An Ordinance To Establish a Drug Paraphernalia Law
VII. Rural Infrastructure Authority Funding
VIII. Mayoral Report
IX. Department Reports
a. Chief Crystal Moore, Latta Police Department
b. Judge Janette Dupree, Latta Municipal Court
c. Harold Snipes, Director of Public Works
i. Replacement of Lift Station Pumps
d. Ann Jackson, Director of Parks and Recreation
e. Ernest Barrentine, Clerk/Treasurer
X. Council Reports
a. Councilman Abbott Shelley
b. Councilman Alex Stoops, Jr.
c. Councilman Trudy Drawhorn
d. Councilwoman Lutherine Williams
e. Councilman James Reaves
f. Councilman Brian Mason
XI. Who-So-Ever-Will
XII. Adjourn
Latta Town Council To Meet
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