(Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald)

By Betsy Finklea
Mallory Scott was named the Dillon County Veteran of the Year at the annual Veterans Day ceremony held on Monday at the Dillon City-County Complex.
Judge James E. Lockemy, who presented the award, said Scott had spent many years helping the community. He is the commander of the VFW post and a member of the local American Legion. Scott, a Vietnam veteran, served in the U.S. Army from June 1967-June 1969.
Scott expressed his appreciation for receiving the award and said that he was sure that there were others who deserved it more. He asked the audience to keep supporting the veterans. Scott received a plaque and a floral arrangement.
The presentation was one of the highlights of the 45-minute ceremony which began with a welcome and remarks by Dillon mayor Todd Davis. Davis reminded everyone to not only thank veterans on Veterans Day, but to thank them every day.
Rev. Tony Washington then gave the invocation which was followed by the raising of the flags by MSG (Ret.) Terry Morris, Former USN Seaman First Class Tony Peel and CSM George M . Pullie.
Mary Louise Parham, former Dillon County Treasurer, led the pledge of allegiance.
This was followed by the performance of an original patriotic song by Rev. Gordon Gainey and Rev. Jim Owens of New Life Family Worship Center.
Col. Jon R. Walters, Jr. presented the George F. Spradley VFW Dillon Post 6011 Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. The recipient was Smith Gaddy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gaddy of Latta, who plans to attend The Citadel. He read the winning essay that he wrote about his grandfather.
After the reading of the essay, Judge James E. Lockemy introduced Maj. (Ret.) Linda N. Thorstenson, the guest speaker.
A member of the U.S. Air Force, Thorstenson flew over 2,000 hours including 400 combat hours over Iraq and Afghanistan. She was honorably retired due to illness with the rank of Major from the United States Air Force in 2010.
Thorstenson began her remarks by saying that she was inspired by the dedication and commitment that Dillon County has for its veterans. She said while we celebrate veterans, we must also look for those who are struggling.
She noted that 1,000 veterans each month attempt suicide and that veteran suicides outpace the number of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. She said one out of four veterans is homeless and that unemployment is a continuing problem. She said the most difficult battles that many veterans face are not on the front lines. She said we need to be vigilant and demonstrate that we care about the families and friends of veterans.
After Thorstenson’s remarks, Judge Lockemy recognized those veterans who passed away since the last ceremony.
After the reading of the names Col. Joseph T. Griffin, Jr. and MSG Terry Morris placed the memorial wreath followed by the playing of Taps by Rev. Mike Rouse.
Then came the presentation of the Veteran of the Year to Mallory Scott. The benediction was given by Rev. Washington.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held to honor the Veteran of the Year.

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