There has been a great deal of celebration over the past month for the new Dillon Middle School with a public ribbon cutting and open house followed by a formal dedication last week.
The new Lake View Middle School addition at Lake View High School was also opened with fanfare and nothing less is expected in Latta when the new Latta Early Childhood Center opens at a later date.
Much credit has been given to this person or that person. Many people have been recognized for doing this or that. However, when it comes down to it, the largest amount of credit goes to you, the taxpayers of Dillon County. None of this would have been possible if the voters of Dillon County had not had the initiative and the vision to pass the capital sales tax referendum.
So stop by and take a look at the new schools-at what you, the taxpayers, have done. Pass by these schools with pride knowing that you built them so that our students can have good school facilities.
Be proud of what you have done and give yourselves a pat on the back. The students of Dillon County are better off because of you.

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