On May 29, 2012, our beloved Rosemary Tindall, age 37, of Knife Island, Marion, SC, passed suddenly in an automobile accident in Horry County. She is survived by two daughters, Jadon Alyce Stewart and Josie Wynn Ricketts of Marion; her loving partner, Pete Graham, of Knife Island; four brothers: Jack Tindall, Jr. of Florence, Kenneth Tindall of Simi Valley, CA, Kevin Tindall, and Phillip Tindall of Marion; one sister, Margaret Tindall of Charlotte, NC, and her mother, Patricia Tindall of Marion.
A visitation will be held from 6:00-8:00 pm Thursday, May 31, 2012 at Richardson Funeral Home. A service will be announced at a later time. An online registry is available at RichardsonFuneralHomeof Marion.com

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