Submitted by Linda Gonzales Battle
Our fourth week, PTI (Pre-Trial Intervention) meeting was held on Monday, May 14, 7 p.m. at the Riverdale Community Center.
The purpose of this meeting is to sponsor a program by the Solicitor’s office called PTI, which consists of “First Time Offenders” who have been charged with non-violent crimes. This is an eight program that consists of various speakers who share their ideas. In these sessions, there is a question and answer session. The meeting was opened by Reverend Michael Battle, chaplain, with prayer. Reverend Battle introduced the speakers.
Evangelist Joel Clark, Miracle Deliverance Prayer Temple Church, spoke from Jeremiah 1:4-8 in great detail. She stated that the Lord reminded Jeremiah that if he had to go by himself that He would always be with him. In closing, Evangelist Clark stated that Jeremiah got a second chance.
Betty Legette, member, gave background information on herself. She talked about her friends in high school and how they can influence you good or bad. She told the participants that they were here for a reason. It is so easy for you to fall into bad habits. You have to be aware of your friends. Everybody that says they are your friend is not your friend. Peer pressure is not a problem if you don’t deal with them. If you don’t get through PTI, you will get in jail. Take advantage of PTI and run with it. Be appreciative and thank God for being here. In closing, Ms. Legette told the participants to stop playing and be serious this is your life. Watch the company you keep.
Reverend Johnnie Page, Mt. Sinai Free Will Spirit Church talked about the “Prodigal Son” in great detail. He gave some examples of people making the wrong choices, but was forgiven. He stated that PTI is similar because you are given a second chance In closing, Reverend Page reiterated that the “Prodigal Son” was lost but now he is found.
Pastor Janie Lucky, Miracle Deliverance Prayer Temple Church and Evangelist Joel Clark along with their musician sang, “Bow Down and Worship Him” which was enjoyed by everyone.
Bishop Edward Ingram, Mt. Sinai Free Will Spirit Church did a skit with the participants. The purpose of the skit was to make you aware when you see someone dealing with grief, be more sympathetic and offer sincere help.

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