By Betsy Finklea
A move some members of the Dillon County Council to stop the rollover of Dillon County Administrator’s contract failed at a meeting held last week.
Councilman Archie Scott made a motion to direct the clerk to council to write a document stating that Young’s contract not roll over on April 24th.
The contract rolls over every three months.
This motion was seconded by Andrew “Deboy” Graves.
The vote tied with Councilmen Scott, Graves, and Macio Williamson voting to approve the motion and Councilmen Joe Johnson, Aron Gandy, and Bobby Moody voting not to approve the motion. Councilman Harold Moody did not vote.
After the meeting, Councilman Scott spoke with The Herald and said that his reasons for the motion were because Young had not yet moved to Dillon County and was using gasoline to travel home at the taxpayers’ expense and because he perceives that Young failed to support the finance director department.
It is The Herald’s understanding that moving to Dillon County was not part of the administrator’s contract.

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