(Photos by Johnnie Daniels/THE DILLON HERALD. Click images below to view at full size.)

A KID’S PLACE - Front Row (left to right): Nathan Hodge, Abigail Jones, Kade Daniels, Kate Gasque, Bradley Bailes, Bryce King, and Connor Hulon. Back Row (left to right): Erica Hayes, Emma King, Calib Dixon, Colin Kitts, Payton Morrison, Cole Hulon, and Michael McKenzie. Coaches: Matthew King and Angela King.
LANE’S FIREARMS - Front Row (left to right): Kayla Bryant, Dawson Covington, Abigail Page, Holden Roberts, Cristian Hamilton, and Hayden Bullard. Back Row (left to right): Austin Johnson, Jason Tyndall, Seth Lane, Blake Hamilton, Devin Gales, Valerie Martin, Madison Kersey, and Luke Tatum. Coaches: Byron Covington, Jamie Hamilton, Zackery Roberts, and Brian Tatum.
LATTA DRUG - Front Row (left to right): Jayden Alford, Chandler Brewer, Noah Alford, Jackson Roberts, Kyle Hyatt, and Adam Peacock. Back Row (left to right): Layla Hyatt, Presley Sims, Ashton Haseldon, Perston Brown, Amir Rogers, Noah Lane, and Nick Lane. Coaches: Floyd Johnson, Steve Peacock, and Jamie Haselden.
MOORE’S AUTO SALES - Front Row (left to right): Bryce Hargrove, Preston Moore, Ryan Perritt, Jacob Cooker, Miranda Cooker, and Manson Weatherford. Back Row (left to right): Landon Hunt, Jacob Roberts, Hannah Snipes, Diligar Hunt, Colby Rowell, Trisha Cook, Dargan Daniels, Fisher Daniels, and Waylon Williamson. Coaches: Kevin Roberts, Jamie Hargrove, and Robbie Perritt.
PERSONAL TOUCH PHOTOGRAPHY - Front Row (left to right): Emma Bley, Lacoree Timmons, Hendley Ann McIntyre, J.P. Bley, Zane Sawyer, Aubree Deaver, and Makayla Gadson. Back Row (left to right): Katelyn Johnson, Maddie Berry, Dorian Griffen, Seth Minshew, Emily Long, Emma Coleman, Bryan Berry, and Cayden Minshue. Coaches: Davy Johnson, Shelley Johnson, Sherie Sawyer, Kyle Berry, and Megan Bley.
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