Rev. Harold Cooke, pastor Fairview Baptist Church, Chesterfield, SC, was guest speaker at Brotherhood, WMU, and BYW at Mount Calvary Baptist Church on Monday, September 12.
Rev. Cooke is married to Tamela Sikes, and they have 2 sons, Grant and Nicholas.
Rev. Cooke is the son of Grady and Martha Cooke of Dillon.
The topic for his service was from Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Encouragement is a great asset to have for one another but the best prescription is God who is in the healing business.
As Rev. Cooke expanded on his message he used scriptures from Psalm 27: 1-6, Proverbs 12:25, Proverbs 15:13, Proverbs 18:14, Proverbs 18:21, and Revelation 12:11.
Rev. Cooke recalled his younger days at Mount Calvary, especially his fond memories of such great faithful teachers as Mr. Leslie McKenzie, Robert Tanner, Mrs. Lily McCormick, Grady Cooke, Clarence Arnette, Alton Arnette, and many more. These people were a good foundation for the church.
While reflecting on the past, Rev. Cooke remarked that no one at Mount Calvary Baptist Church had done more for the children that Miss Linda McKenzie who devotes her time to serving the children of the church. Whatever task she undertakes, she gives her all.
Rev. Cooke also stated that Rev. Tom Brown and Rev. Kenn Hucks had made a great impact on his life. However, he was thankful for his parents, who brought him to church and not just dropped him off there.

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