Robin Griggs, Forensic Interviewer for the Elizabeth Pettigrew Durant Children’s Center, is now a Certified Diplomatic Child Forensic Interviewer by the National Association of Certified Child Forensic Interviewers (NACCFI). There are four tiers of certification: Basic Child Forensic Interviewer (CFI), Intermediate CFI, Advanced CFI, and Diplomate CFI. Griggs has received the Diplomate CFI certification. According to the NACCFI website, she is the only person in South Carolina to be certified. Certification requires a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree or Educational Equivalent Entry Option; have at least 500 interviews completed; and completed a minimum total of 192 hours of training. Says Griggs of her certification, “I am pleased to be certified and hope that the field of forensic interviewing can become a recognized specialty. We receive on-going training to keep our skills up and to stay current with literature and information. Our interviews
with children are crucial in getting information that can assist the child/family that is in crisis.” Griggs received her Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University in 1983, with a major in Psychology. She received her MA from Webster in 1998 in Counseling. Robin has completed over 1,100 interviews since she began with Durant in 2004.

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