County Council Got This One Right

To The Editor:
Even without the “Corridor of Shame” reference in the I-73 support resolution, it’s hard to imagine how the County Council would ever consider giving its support to this fiasco. Of course denying support was the right thing to do! Surely the Council would not want to support something which would DEPRIVE the county of economic activity, not enhance it. Not only will I-73’s proposed route not bring economic development to Dillon County, it will, when completed, ROB this county of most of the benefits it now derives from travelers to and from the beach.
In their earlier campaign efforts to sell the public on the proposed I-73 route through South Carolina, SCDOT used the slogan, “Pathway to Progress.” In reality, Dillon County’s sacrifice is providing the “Pathway” so Myrtle Beach can get the “Progress.”
The current route from I-95 to Myrtle Beach could be improved to enable motorists to save that FEW MINUTES travel time that this expensive mistake is supposed to save. This could be done without the tremendous cost in taxpayers’ dollars and damage to the ecology. This condition of South Carolina’s roads makes us the “Pothole Capital” of the nation now, and we have bridges unsafe to cross. It’s unconscionable that the power-that-be in Columbia would approve funds for a new interstate when our existing transportation infrastructure continues to fall apart.
You got this one right, County Council! Keep up the good work.
Nell B. Vincent
Dillon, SC

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