All rising seventh- and eighth-grade students at J.V. Martin Junior High School are invited and encouraged to participate in the 2011 “The Heat is On” Summer Reading Challenge.
Sponsored by the J.V. Martin Junior High School Media Center, the purpose of the program is to encourage students to engage in self-selected reading to learn the fun, recreation, and pure enjoyment that reading gives.
Students wishing to participate should simply follow these four steps:
1. Obtain a copy of the summer reading log form. This form was included in each rising seventh- and eighth-grader’s final report card envelope. Copies of the form may also be picked up in the J.V. Martin main office during regular summer business hours, or they may be downloaded and printed out from the J.V. Martin school web site by following the “Media Center” link.
2. Read a little each day during the months of June, July, and August.
3. Have a parent or guardian sign the log each day, noting the number of MINUTES that read.
4. Turn in the completed, signed reading logs to the J.V. Martin Media Specialist by Tuesday, September 6, 2011.
Benefits to students who participate in this program are as follows:
1. The completed, signed log will count as extra credit in English Language Arts for the first nine weeks of the 2011-2012 school year.
2. Students will earn points toward the 2011-2012 JVM Reader of the Year award.
3. The student with the most minutes read will receive a $25.00 Wal-Mart gift card from the JVM Media Center.
4. Last – but certainly not least – research has consistently documented the importance of summer reading. Students who read recreationally during the summer do better when the new school year begins. Studies show that students who do not read during the summer show a significant loss over the summer break. Research has shown that reading just four or five books during the summer can prevent this achievement and learning loss.

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