Dillon Church of God is sponsoring a tornado relief effort.
They will be sending a tractor-trailer with supplies to Alabama.
Items needed are non-perishable food items, hygiene products, plastic containers (to store personal items after the storm), Gatorade, tarps to cover possessions, new socks, new pillows, new blankets, baby products (formula, diapers, etc.).
Please drop off your items at the Youth & Activity Center, 506 Radford Blvd, Dillon on Wednesday, May 18th from 6:00-7:00 p.m., Thursday, May 19th, 5:00-7:00 p.m., or Friday, May 20th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. If the above times are not convenient for you, please feel free to call the church office at 774-8021, ext. 222).