The Dillon Area Chapter # 5336 of AARP, Inc. met on Monday, April 11, at 2 p.m. in the meeting room of the Council for the Aging with twenty-two members and one guest in attendance.

President Chris Harris called the meeting to order issuing a very warm welcome to all and invited everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. Virginia Meekins followed with meditations entitled “Wear Out, Don’t Rust Out” and “Most Richly Blessed”.

The speaker, Joan Jackson Meekins, was introduced and gave a very informative program on keeping blood pressure at an acceptable level. She addressed the importance of knowing one’s blood pressure, acceptable readings, and the necessity of treatment of unacceptable readings. Meekins gave tips on lifestyle changes such as losing weight, exercising, adhering to a low salt diet, and limiting alcohol intake which contribute to keeping blood pressure under control. A question and answer period followed during which individual’s questions were answered. Meekins was generously thanked for presentation.

During the business session officers’ and committee chairpersons’ reports were heard. The president announced that the chapter had received a note from Joni Spivey expressing appreciation for the recent donation to the Council for the Aging.

The next meeting will be held on May 9. Anyone, 50 or over, whether working or retired is invited to join the chapter.

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