On Saturday, April 30, 2011 at Dillon High School, residents will join together and walk for healthier babies. “Each step we take at March for Babies brings us closer to the day when every baby will have a healthy start in life,” said Debbie Locklair, Dillon County Revenue Chair.
The most urgent infant health problem in the U.S. today is premature birth. It affects more than half a million babies each year. The March of Dimes is committed to reducing this toll by funding research to find the answers to premature birth and providing comfort and information to families who are affected.
The Berry Family is serving as the 2011 Dillon County March for Babies Ambassador Family and will lead the walk through the community. Food, fun and fellowship will follow.
For more information, please contact the March of Dimes at 843-488-3463.
Each year, the South Carolina Chapter of the March of Dimes invests more than 1.5 million dollars in mission initiatives statewide, including research grants and local community services. Through these program services, the March of Dimes continues working to prevent birth defects and infant death, reduce South Carolina’s premature birth rate, increase access to prenatal care and educate men and women about having healthy babies.
The March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health. With chapters nationwide, the March of Dimes works to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. For the latest resources and information, visit marchofdimes.com or nacersano.org. Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.